Camille Korsmo

Charles Darwin’s Other Grandfather

Charles Darwin’s maternal grandfather was Josiah Wedgwood, a man from a poor family of religious dissenters whose education was cut short at age seven by his father’s death. Nevertheless, Wedgwood became a renowned and innovative manufacturer of elegant pottery. He and Charles’s other grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, were not only friends but leading lights of the English Enlightenment.

FocUUs on History: Fannie Farmer

You have probably caught a glimpse of Fannie Farmer’s picture in our UUGP kitchen on your way to the dishwasher or sink. Maybe you even read the bio. Why has our kitchen been dedicated to Ms. Farmer? UUGP member Camille Korsmo will tell us more about this remarkable woman, and why you might want to thank her the next time you follow a recipe. Our Congregational Meeting will follow the service.

Celebrating the Turn of the Year

The relationship between the winter solstice, Yule, and Christmas reflect three different methods our ancestors used to calculate the passage of time. We still celebrate some festivals on fixed dates (like the 4th of July) and others as moveable feasts (such as Easter). Might we do things differently, more simply?
Outreach gifts aid our evolving Homeless Support program

Trickster Theology and Web Kitchell’s Coyote Stories

Many cultures worldwide have a trickster figure in their folklore. UU minister, Webster Kitchell wrote engaging story-sermons about his imagined relationship with a coyote pal, a classic trickster, who challenges the status quo and reveals new insights. Camille will introduce us to them.
(Team 5)

Evolution Sunday

The Evolution of the Theory UUGP member Camille Korsmo will acquaint us with the life and ideas of Dr. Erasmus Darwin, who conceived of a process by which life on earth might have begun and
developed by “common descent” from a single microscopic ancestor “millions of ages” ago. The Deist doctor embodied our fourth principle, affirming and promoting a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
Outreach Offering goes to Josephine County Libraries.