
Humanist views that could better serve to resolve today’s problems

Historically, all civilizations have evolved their own cultural views for managing community concerns, which were reflected in their religions or accepted philosophies. As these views changed their laws and institutions changed, often only after great struggles, hardships, or even revolutions. Today, we have culturally accepted views that may be due for changing which might help us transition to better serving our human (and natural) communities.

Covenant: A Pathway to Transforming Our World (zoom)

We encounter it on the news.  We may discuss all of the suffering we witness at coffee hour.  We may feel hopeless and helpless, but what if there was something we could do to help our world?  At such a difficult time in world history, how can the concept of “covenant” help us to find a new way towards transformation – within and without? 

Disability Awareness and the Power of Advocacy

Hannah Rarick, 2023 Ms. Wheelchair Oregon, will share her personal journey of disability and the many ways we can advocate for ourselves and others. Sometimes our biggest challenges bring us our most powerful strengths.

Unity through Thanksgiving

Engaging in the simple act of giving thanks brings us into the present. Appreciating opens us to the bond of our belonging on Earth. How might Native American tradition inspire our gratitude? Why does Thanks Giving matter for our future? May we join together in wonder.

Permission to Not Understand (ZOOM)

As we work to grow our individual and congregational capacity for full inclusion of trans and gender nonbinary people, one of the stumbling blocks can be our strong desire to understand other people’s experience. We’ll explore avenues that open possibilities of deeper embrace of our differences and lead us to freedom, then on to liberation. 

The Heart of a Veteran

As we celebrate Veteran’s Day, United States Veterans are our Nations Heroes. Sadly, they come back from their time spent in Military Service with invisible scars, trauma, and physical disabilities. Come hear Rev. Victoria Olson share her experience as a Chaplain serving Veterans for the past 8 years and learn how we can Honor and Bless them with God’s Love, Kindness, and Compassion.

Victim Services in a time of Public Safety Funding Challenges

How does public safety funding affect victims of domestic and sexual violence? What is WCST doing to maintain a community level response in cases of domestic violence during times of public safety funding uncertainty? What separates WCST victim services from other similar services in our community? WCST Executive Director Ray Dinkins shares the significance of WCST services, the difficulties in achieving safety for survivors in times of funding uncertainty, and how WCST is leading efforts to ensure a community level response to support victims and hold offenders accountable.

Honoring My Ancestors (and, Am I a Good One?) (Zoom)

Ancestors – everyone has them, and (spoiler alert!) most of them are dead. Euro-American culture isn’t very good at death. We avoid talking about it; we literally kill ourselves trying to postpone it; we expect grief to have stages and then stop; we are so scared of death we’ve perverted the one day each year our ancestors set aside for remembering them, to instead focus on giving children candy and expressing our fear with giant inflatable spiders. JD shares his journey from judging his ancestors to questioning his fitness to be one. As always, science plays a leading role, along with several other faith traditions and cultures.

My Least Favorite UU Joke (Zoom)

There are a lot of very funny jokes about Unitarian Universalism, some of which Rev. Hines has even used in her Orientations for people new to our faith. But there is one that she never repeats. Come learn which one it is, and why she hopes we’ll make it obsolete.

The Three Poisons (Zoom)

According to the Buddhist tradition, there are Three Poisons that keep humans trapped in a cycle of meaningless, painful existence–which is known as “samsara”.   Given that our country is in a prolonged state of samsara, what do we need to know about “the three poisons,” and what are the anecdotes?