Honoring Grief

We’re in a crucial era of accelerating losses of all kinds. What if we invited all the voices of our personal and collective grief into a sacred circle of welcome? How might honoring grief with deep listening in beloved community help keep our hearts open? What if sharing grief together naturally moves our sorrows towards gratitude, like winter moves into spring? Michelle will share questions, lessons and insights from her recent 5 month Grief Ritual Leadership Training.

After the service from noon to 1:30, in person or on Zoom, all are welcome to join a sacred circle for sharing and honoring grief.

The Greatest Intergenerational Challenge: End Poverty in all its Forms

Alec Lamoreaux is the Operations Manager for the Northwest Seasonal Workers Association, an independent membership association of workers in the seasonal industries of agriculture, timber and tourism which has been active in Jackson County since 1976. Alec will talk about the emerging work of NSWA in Josephine County, and ways that we can get involved.

We invite you to bring photos or other remembrance of your veteran family members and relatives, past or present, to share on a Memorial Day remembrance table. Our service will be one of honoring and remembering our veterans. We will look back at the wars we have participated in, both those we are proud of and those we have ambivalence or regrets about. Who will be tomorrow’s veterans?

For widest accessibility we continue to live stream our in person Sunday services
Remote speaker indicated by (Zoom) in the description
Meeting ID: 176 735 758
Use this link to sign in, experience, and participate from your computer, tablet or cell phone: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/176735758
To dial in by phone:
Call (669) 900-9128, then enter meeting ID: 176 735 758